Al-Anon Maritimes

Al-Anon Maritimes

Al-Anon Maritimes
New Brunswick - Nova Scotia - Prince Edward Island

Online Alateen Meeting Info

Celebrate Alateen Group – Mondays from 7:00 pm to 8:00 pm

If you are an Alateen age 13 to 18, or know one, please share this information with them.

For Alateens: You need to download the Al-Anon Gamily Groups APP from your APP Store or Google Play. Once you create an account in the APP, you are able to attend the weekly Alateen meetings held on the APP, not just the Maritimes Celebrate Alateen meeting.

Information about Alateen –

Information about Mobile App –

If you have any questions, contact your DR or the Alateen Coordinator.

Schedule as of October 2023: (meetings last one hour)

Monday 7:00 pm
Atlantic Time
Celebrate Alateen
(Maritime Provinces-Host)

Monday 7:00 pm
Pacific Time
Washington Area Alateen
11:00 pm Atlantic

Wednesday 7:30 pm
Mountain Time
Montana Alateen Chat
10:30 pm Atlantic

Wednesday 4:00 pm
Pacific Time
Together We Can Make It Alateen (Nevada-Host)
8:00 pm Atlantic

Thursday 7:00 pm
Eastern Time
Alateen Chatters
8:00 pm Atlantic